Party Food - Caribbean Style Hors D'oeuvre
Every region has their fare of food that they offer on special occasions regardless of the event - weddings, funerals, graduations, cocktail parties, christenings and other social events. They are usually in the following categories: Vegetable Fruit Meat Seafood Fish Using these categories allows those who practice the culinary arts within the region to create dome decadent treats. On this occasion, we won't go according to the island, but according to the foods in a visual format. Where can we use the food and beverage? Indoors, outdoors, and on cruise vessels. There's more... Keep going... Food is so integrated into the culture of the Caribbean that there are never boring moments - innovation, ingenuity and intrigue leave you never truly knowing what to expect. There will always be something new and exciting wherever you go among the islands. Within the Caribbean, we live where you dream of vacationing. Is it paradise or a little bit of heaven? One day w...